Time in Charlottetown, Canada:

  1. Local Time
  2. Cities List
  3. Time in Charlottetown, Canada

Information on this page:

Canada - National Flag:

Flag of Canada Charlottetown is a city in Canada. The National flag of Canada is displayed on the side.

Pictures of Charlottetown

Here are some pictures from the most popular places in Charlottetown:
Pictures of Charlottetown

Location of Charlottetown

The geographical location of Charlottetown helps us locate it using navigation systems (like GPS) using it's latitude and longitude coordinates. Here are the loation coordinates of Charlottetown:
Location of Charlottetown46°14′00″N 63°09′00″W

Time in Charlottetown - Translations:

We offer translations of the information on this page about time in Charlottetown in the following languages:

Charlottetown - Time Zone:

Time in Charlottetown, Canada:

What time is it in Charlottetown | Time in Charlottetown | Local Time in Charlottetown | Current time in Charlottetown | Charlottetown Time Zone | Charlottetown Clock

 Saturday, 18 January 2025

Information about Charlottetown, Canada

Charlottetown (pronounced /ˈʃɑrlɪtaʊn/; 2006 population: 32,174[2]) is a Canadian city and the provincial capital of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown was first incorporated as a town in 1855 and designated as a city in 1885. It is also the county seat of Queens County. The population of the Charlottetown census agglomeration in the 2006 census was 58,625,[1] slightly less than half of the province's population (135,851[1]).

What time is it in Charlottetown - Information:

This information about Charlottetown in Canada is designed to provide information to the world community about the time in Charlottetown. Nowadays, is extremely important to coordinate Time Zones and hours difference between the various cities around the world for successful business relationships. Therefore, by taking into consideration the local time in Charlottetown you can communicate more successfully with people in Canada, by the local time in Charlottetown. Moreover, This page is meant to answer various questions about the Charlottetown time and Charlottetown clock or Canada time. For example:

  • What is the time in Charlottetown?
  • What time is in Charlottetown?
  • What is the local time in Charlottetown?
  • Current time in Charlottetown
  • Charlottetown - Current time
  • What is the time zone of Charlottetown?
  • Charlottetown Clock - What is it?
  • Charlottetown Time - What is?
It is also important to note that this page displays current information about the Current time in Charlottetown and local time in Charlottetown.