Time in Edinburgh, United Kingdom:

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  2. Cities List
  3. Time in Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Information on this page:

United Kingdom - National Flag:

Flag of United Kingdom Edinburgh is a city in United Kingdom. The National flag of United Kingdom is displayed on the side.

Pictures of Edinburgh

Here are some pictures from the most popular places in Edinburgh:
Pictures of Edinburgh

Location of Edinburgh

The geographical location of Edinburgh helps us locate it using navigation systems (like GPS) using it's latitude and longitude coordinates. Here are the loation coordinates of Edinburgh:
Location of Edinburgh55°56′58″N 3°9′37″W

Time in Edinburgh - Translations:

We offer translations of the information on this page about time in Edinburgh in the following languages:

Edinburgh - Time Zone:

  • The time zone of Edinburgh (United Kingdom) is GMT+0

Time in Edinburgh, United Kingdom:

What time is it in Edinburgh | Time in Edinburgh | Local Time in Edinburgh | Current time in Edinburgh | Edinburgh Time Zone | Edinburgh Clock

 Saturday, 18 January 2025

Information about Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Edinburgh (pronounced /ˈɛdɪnb(ə)rə/ ( listen), ED-in-brə or ED-in-bə-rə; (Scots: Embra/E'nburrie) (Gaelic:Dùn Èideann ) is the capital city of Scotland. It is the second largest city in Scotland and the seventh-most populous in the United Kingdom. The City of Edinburgh Council is one of Scotland's 32 local government council areas. The city council area includes urban Edinburgh and a 30-square-mile (78 km2) rural area.
Located in the south-east of Scotland, Edinburgh lies on the east coast of the Central Belt, along the Firth of Forth, near the North Sea. Owing to its spectacular, rugged setting and vast collection of Medieval and Georgian architecture, including numerous stone tenements, it is often considered one of the most picturesque cities in Europe.
Edinburgh is the seat of the Scottish Parliament. The city was one of the major centres of the Enlightenment, led by the University of Edinburgh, earning it the nickname Athens of the North. The Old Town and New Town districts of Edinburgh were listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995. There are over 4,500 listed buildings within the city.[1] In the 2008 mid year population estimates, Edinburgh had a total resident population of 471,650.[2] Edinburgh is well-known for the annual Edinburgh Festival, a collection of official and independent festivals held annually over about four weeks from early August. The number of visitors attracted to Edinburgh for the Festival is roughly equal to the settled population of the city. The most famous of these events are the Edinburgh Fringe (the largest performing arts festival in the world), the Edinburgh International Festival, the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, and the Edinburgh International Book Festival. Other events include the Hogmanay street party (31 December), Burns Night (25 January), St. Andrew's Day (30 November), and the Beltane Fire Festival (30 April).
The city attracts 1 million overseas visitors a year, making it the second most visited tourist destination in the United Kingdom, after London.[3] In a 2009 YouGov poll, Edinburgh was voted the "most desirable city in which to live in the UK".[4] Edinburgh was also crowned the top spot in the last survey by 4Homes, The best places to live.[5]

What time is it in Edinburgh - Information:

This information about Edinburgh in United Kingdom is designed to provide information to the world community about the time in Edinburgh. Nowadays, is extremely important to coordinate Time Zones and hours difference between the various cities around the world for successful business relationships. Therefore, by taking into consideration the local time in Edinburgh you can communicate more successfully with people in United Kingdom, by the local time in Edinburgh. Moreover, This page is meant to answer various questions about the Edinburgh time and Edinburgh clock or United Kingdom time. For example:

  • What is the time in Edinburgh?
  • What time is in Edinburgh?
  • What is the local time in Edinburgh?
  • Current time in Edinburgh
  • Edinburgh - Current time
  • What is the time zone of Edinburgh?
  • Edinburgh Clock - What is it?
  • Edinburgh Time - What is?
It is also important to note that this page displays current information about the Current time in Edinburgh and local time in Edinburgh.